As far as I'm concerned, the "Results" are what MyTrueAncestry is all about.
There are nine sections under the "Results" tab, on
- Analysis Summary
- Maps
- Regional Archaeogenetics
- Haplogroup Analytics
- DNA Spotlight
- Timelines
- PCA Plots
- Genetic Social Groups
- Additional Features
Analysis Summary
MyTrueAncestry provides an Analysis Summary page for each DNA kit listed on a user's dashboard (the page a user sees after logging in). These kits can be uploaded by users, or generated from MyTrueAncestry's DNA files associated with ancient, human remains. The number and type of kits a user can have depends on their Membership Level. The lowest Level at which Members can create kits based on ancient remains is my current Level, Olympus (Level 6). This Level also allows me to upload or create a total of fifteen kits. If I were at Odyssey (Level 7), I would be allowed twenty-five; if Enlightenment (Level 8), thirty.
I'm only using nine of the fifteen kit slots I'm allowed to upload or create: three based on my various DNA tests; one each for my wife, her mother, her father, and her sister; and two based on ancient, human remains (Scotland Late Bronze Age I2861 and Bronze Age Bedfordshire England I7577).
Each "Analysis Summary" had four tabs:
- Ancient Populations
- Ancient Samples Results
- Deep Dive Results
- Modern Populations
When selected, this section generates a list of ancient populations related to the DNA kit which has been selected.
As of 11:50 p.m. E.D.T., the ancient populations MyTrueAncestry associates with my FamilyTreeDNA test are:
MyTrueAncestry indicates that the ancient "Celt + Saxon" people are at a genetic distances of less than 3 from me. FamilyTreeDNA uses a similar, numerical system to indicate genetic proximity, without any decimal points. Someone whom they determined had a genetic proximity to me of 4, believes, apparently, that they are descended from one of my ten times great grandparents - a distance of twelve generations. Twelve generations ago could be approximately two to four hundred years ago, assuming a generation every twenty to thirty years. (Twelve times twenty is two hundred forty; twelve times thirty is three hundred sixty.) If someone with a genetic distance of 4, from me, could have lived less than three hundred years ago, and been a mere dozen generations "upstream" from me, how much closer could these ancient relatives with a genetic proximity of 2 or 3 be, to me?!?
2. Ancient Samples Results
MyTrueAncestry's Ancient Samples Results page shows me five additional tabs:
MyTrueAncestry's Ancient Breakdown page displays two circle charts, one above the other, based on data that it says "will change over time as more samples are added."
The top circle chart shows what it labels an "Ancient Sample Breakdown" of my ancient ancestry. A picture of myself that I uploaded is in the center of a single circle divided into various sections of different colors - mostly shades of blue. (Actually, the picture of myself shows a small portion of my tophat and the background behind me; I have yet to figure out why this picture doesn't show my face.) A legend indicates what ancient group each color represents. Mousing over a section of the circle causes the name of the ancient group to appear, with a percentage - presumably, to indicate what percentage of my ancestors are from that group. As of May 21, 2022, the largest section is fluorescent green, and indicates that 23% of my ancient ancestors were Celts. The smallest section is a sliver of teal, which indicates that 0.25% of my ancient ancestors were Celtic Cantiaci.
The bottom chart, labeled "Breakdown By Era," is six concentric circles around the off-center picture of myself. These circles are also divided into sections, all of which are a shade of blue or green. To get data to appear for any of these sections, I need to click on it. This causes a picture to appear, with labels naming an ancient group of people, such as the Celts; an age or era, such as the Dark Ages; and a percentage.
The circles represent the following ages, from outermost to innermost:
It appears that most of my ancestors during the Medieval and Dark Ages were Celts, Saxons, and Vikings - mostly Danish Vikings.
b. Matching Samples
- Celt + Saxon (2.937)
- Celt + Celtic Dobunni (4.087)
- Viking Danish + Celt (4.137)
- Briton + Saxon (4.214)
- Saxon (4.366)
- Viking Danish + Saxon (4.537)
- Celt (5.882)
- Viking Danish (5.956)
- Briton (6.391)
- Celtic Dobunni (7.109)
- 10 means this is [my] ancient ancestry
- 20 means this is part of [my] ancestral link
- 30 means possibly related to [my] ancestry
MyTrueAncestry indicates that the ancient "Celt + Saxon" people are at a genetic distances of less than 3 from me. FamilyTreeDNA uses a similar, numerical system to indicate genetic proximity, without any decimal points. Someone whom they determined had a genetic proximity to me of 4, believes, apparently, that they are descended from one of my ten times great grandparents - a distance of twelve generations. Twelve generations ago could be approximately two to four hundred years ago, assuming a generation every twenty to thirty years. (Twelve times twenty is two hundred forty; twelve times thirty is three hundred sixty.) If someone with a genetic distance of 4, from me, could have lived less than three hundred years ago, and been a mere dozen generations "upstream" from me, how much closer could these ancient relatives with a genetic proximity of 2 or 3 be, to me?!?
2. Ancient Samples Results
MyTrueAncestry's Ancient Samples Results page shows me five additional tabs:
- Ancient Breakdown
- Matching Samples
- Top 10 Samples by Era
- Outlier Samples
- Americas Samples
MyTrueAncestry's Ancient Breakdown page displays two circle charts, one above the other, based on data that it says "will change over time as more samples are added."
The top circle chart shows what it labels an "Ancient Sample Breakdown" of my ancient ancestry. A picture of myself that I uploaded is in the center of a single circle divided into various sections of different colors - mostly shades of blue. (Actually, the picture of myself shows a small portion of my tophat and the background behind me; I have yet to figure out why this picture doesn't show my face.) A legend indicates what ancient group each color represents. Mousing over a section of the circle causes the name of the ancient group to appear, with a percentage - presumably, to indicate what percentage of my ancestors are from that group. As of May 21, 2022, the largest section is fluorescent green, and indicates that 23% of my ancient ancestors were Celts. The smallest section is a sliver of teal, which indicates that 0.25% of my ancient ancestors were Celtic Cantiaci.
The bottom chart, labeled "Breakdown By Era," is six concentric circles around the off-center picture of myself. These circles are also divided into sections, all of which are a shade of blue or green. To get data to appear for any of these sections, I need to click on it. This causes a picture to appear, with labels naming an ancient group of people, such as the Celts; an age or era, such as the Dark Ages; and a percentage.
The circles represent the following ages, from outermost to innermost:
- Medieval Age
- Dark Ages
- Iron Age
- Late Bronze Age
- Early Bronze Age
- Neolithic Age
It appears that most of my ancestors during the Medieval and Dark Ages were Celts, Saxons, and Vikings - mostly Danish Vikings.
b. Matching Samples
Matching Samples, in the case of my FamilyTree DNA, consists of a numbered list of 150 sets of ancient remains whose DNA allegedly matches mine. Each item in this list indicates a name, a year, a genetic distance, a code number, a gender (to indicate, presumably, whether the relationship to me is paternal or maternal), and a "Top" percentage of the "match vs. all users." The items at the top of this list have the smallest numbers representing their genetic distance to me, and the largest percentages, so I assume that the percentages are reversed. In other words, if MyTrueAncestry indicates that a match is among the "Top 98%" versus all users, I assume that means I'm among the top two percent of all users with regard to having DNA that matches the remains indicated; in other words, ninety-eight percent of MyTrueAncestry's users appear to be more distantly related to the indicated ancient decedent than I am.
c. Top Ten Samples by Era
c. Top Ten Samples by Era
Top Ten Samples by Era, in the case of my FamilyTree DNA, consists of a list of eight ages or eras:
d. Outlier Samples
- Neolithic Age
- Early Bronze Age
- Late Bronze Age
- Iron Age
- Roman Age
- Dark Ages
- Medieval Age
- Early Modern Period
d. Outlier Samples
Outlier Samples, in the case of my FamilyTree DNA, consists of a list of twenty samples, with the same information as the above samples.
e. Americas Samples
MyTrueAncestry's Americas Samples page displays a remark in large, bold letters, which states that "Currently you have no ancient Americas samples." None that match, I presume... I'm not surprised.
3. Deep Dive Results
According to MyTrueAncestry's FAQ, "Deep Dive" results are more "conclusive" than any others that they offer.
MyTrueAncestry's Deep Dive Results page displays four tabs:
MyTrueAncestry's Ancient Relatives page displays a slider bar labeled "Min SNP [Single nucleotide polymorphisms (pronounced “snips”)] length: 60." If I click and drag the green dot on the bar, to the right, the number 60 increases up to a maximum of 500. A buttom below that is labeled "Update." Clicking that button with the slider set to 500 produces a remark, in large, bold letters, stating that "For now there are no direct ancient relatives for this kit."
If I set the slider to 120, and click "Update," it produces a list of approximately a dozen sets of ancient remains which match my DNA. The paragraphs associated with the items in this list specify that the genetic distances are measured in "cM," which means "centiMorgans."
Looking at the Centimorgan chart available from FamilySearch, I can get an idea how closely related these ancient decedents might be, to me.
Below each paragraph about these matches is one, two, or three gray line charts, with green and blue sections. A number of SNPs is mentioned in each green section - presumably, to show how many match mine.
b. Deep Dive Breakdown
MyTrueAncestry's Deep Dive Breakdown page displays two circular charts, similar to those on the Ancient Breakdown page described above. The breakdowns look the same, with two outstanding exceptions: purple and dark purple sections, which represent Balari and Proto-Balari groups, in the Breakdown and Breakdown by Era charts, respectively.
c. Chroma Analysis
MyTrueAncestry's Chroma Analysis page displays a slider bar and an "Update" button, similar to the ones on the Ancient Relatives page. Below are twenty-two gray bars, numbered Chr. 1 through Chr. 22 - presumably, representing all twenty-two pairs of my autosomal chromasomes. The other pair, which is not autosomal, is the pair associated with gender - XY, in my case, since I am male.
Once I select a suitable number of SNPs, and click the "Update" button, colored sections appear along these twenty-two gray bars. Clicking on one of these colored sections causes a window to pop up, with a picture and a description of the genetic match represented by the colored section.
d. Spider Breakdown
MyTrueAncestry's Spider Breakdown page displays a chart which resembles a spiderweb. Six colors, representing "filters," can be selected or deselected from the legend:
The spokes of the web are labeled with the names of ancient groups of people, such as the Celts and Saxons. Some spokes have the same labels. Ten are labeled "Celt"; five, "Saxon." Two of them are labeled with question marks.
The strands of the web connecting the spokes seem to represent different measurements, depending on the filter applied. Mousing over a vertex, represented by a dot where a vertex lies along a spoke, causes a window to pop up, with an explanation of what is represented by that vertex. Distances are given for genetic and civilization closeness, with the most distant at the center of the web, and the closest near the outer edge of the web. The Sample Age filter has vertices which represent calendar years, such as 2350 B.C.; the most recent years are near the center of the web; the most ancient, near the outer edge. The Longest SNP filter has vertices which represent the numbers of matching SNP's, with the lowest numbers nearest the center; the highest, near the edge. The Total SNP is measured in a similar fashion. The "Total number of SNPs compared to matching Users" shows percentages, with 0% at the center of the web, and higher percentages closer to the edge.
4. Modern Populations
MyTrueAncestry's Modern Populations page lists the following eight groups of people and their genetic distance from me:
e. Americas Samples
MyTrueAncestry's Americas Samples page displays a remark in large, bold letters, which states that "Currently you have no ancient Americas samples." None that match, I presume... I'm not surprised.
3. Deep Dive Results
According to MyTrueAncestry's FAQ, "Deep Dive" results are more "conclusive" than any others that they offer.
MyTrueAncestry's Deep Dive Results page displays four tabs:
- Ancient Relatives
- Deep Dive Breakdown
- Chroma Analysis
- Spider Breakdown
MyTrueAncestry's Ancient Relatives page displays a slider bar labeled "Min SNP [Single nucleotide polymorphisms (pronounced “snips”)] length: 60." If I click and drag the green dot on the bar, to the right, the number 60 increases up to a maximum of 500. A buttom below that is labeled "Update." Clicking that button with the slider set to 500 produces a remark, in large, bold letters, stating that "For now there are no direct ancient relatives for this kit."
If I set the slider to 120, and click "Update," it produces a list of approximately a dozen sets of ancient remains which match my DNA. The paragraphs associated with the items in this list specify that the genetic distances are measured in "cM," which means "centiMorgans."
Looking at the Centimorgan chart available from FamilySearch, I can get an idea how closely related these ancient decedents might be, to me.
Below each paragraph about these matches is one, two, or three gray line charts, with green and blue sections. A number of SNPs is mentioned in each green section - presumably, to show how many match mine.
b. Deep Dive Breakdown
MyTrueAncestry's Deep Dive Breakdown page displays two circular charts, similar to those on the Ancient Breakdown page described above. The breakdowns look the same, with two outstanding exceptions: purple and dark purple sections, which represent Balari and Proto-Balari groups, in the Breakdown and Breakdown by Era charts, respectively.
c. Chroma Analysis
MyTrueAncestry's Chroma Analysis page displays a slider bar and an "Update" button, similar to the ones on the Ancient Relatives page. Below are twenty-two gray bars, numbered Chr. 1 through Chr. 22 - presumably, representing all twenty-two pairs of my autosomal chromasomes. The other pair, which is not autosomal, is the pair associated with gender - XY, in my case, since I am male.
Once I select a suitable number of SNPs, and click the "Update" button, colored sections appear along these twenty-two gray bars. Clicking on one of these colored sections causes a window to pop up, with a picture and a description of the genetic match represented by the colored section.
d. Spider Breakdown
MyTrueAncestry's Spider Breakdown page displays a chart which resembles a spiderweb. Six colors, representing "filters," can be selected or deselected from the legend:
- Green - Genetic Closeness [Distance?]
- Blue - Total SNP
- Red - Longest SNP
- Yellow - Total SNP compared to other matching users
- Purple - Civilization Closeness
- Gray - Sample Age
The spokes of the web are labeled with the names of ancient groups of people, such as the Celts and Saxons. Some spokes have the same labels. Ten are labeled "Celt"; five, "Saxon." Two of them are labeled with question marks.
The strands of the web connecting the spokes seem to represent different measurements, depending on the filter applied. Mousing over a vertex, represented by a dot where a vertex lies along a spoke, causes a window to pop up, with an explanation of what is represented by that vertex. Distances are given for genetic and civilization closeness, with the most distant at the center of the web, and the closest near the outer edge of the web. The Sample Age filter has vertices which represent calendar years, such as 2350 B.C.; the most recent years are near the center of the web; the most ancient, near the outer edge. The Longest SNP filter has vertices which represent the numbers of matching SNP's, with the lowest numbers nearest the center; the highest, near the edge. The Total SNP is measured in a similar fashion. The "Total number of SNPs compared to matching Users" shows percentages, with 0% at the center of the web, and higher percentages closer to the edge.
4. Modern Populations
MyTrueAncestry's Modern Populations page lists the following eight groups of people and their genetic distance from me:
- Southeast_English (4.290)
- Southwest_English (4.434)
- West_Scottish (4.983)
- Danish (5.022)
- North_Dutch (5.059)
- Irish (5.118)
- Orcadian (5.260)
- North_German (6.524)
Next, I discuss Maps.
*To get to Results, login to MyTrueAncestry. See a page with their logo (see above) near the upper,
left corner, and a row of six tabs across the top:
- Results
- Civilizations
- Populations
- Royalty
- DNA Testing
To get to "Analysis Summary"...
- Analysis Summary
- Maps
- Regional Archaeogenetics
- Haplogroup Analytics
- DNA Spotlight
- Timelines
- PCA Plots
- Genetic Social Groups
- Additional Features
Blog post by William Mortensen Vaughan
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