Sunday, May 22, 2022

MyTrueAncestry:Walkthrough and Review: Part 6c: Results: Regional Archaeogenetics

Regional Archaeogenetics
This section has seven tabs across the top, with regard to my D.N.A. matches:
  1. Ancient Rome
  2. Fennoscandia
  3. Britain and Ireland
  4. Germania
  5. Scythia/Sarmatia
  6. Iberia
  7. More coming soon!
        1.  Ancient Rome
The Ancient Rome section has two, large areas, one above the other. One is a timelapse map of Italy, and the other approximately 300 words relating the history of the region.

         2.  Fennoscandia
Fennoscandia has a timelapse map of Scandinavia, and an associated history.

        3.  Britain and Ireland

Britain and Ireland
has a timelapse map of the British Isles, and an associated history.

        4.  Germania
Germania has a timelapse map of Europe and Scandinavia, and an associated history.
        5.  Scythia/Sarmatia
Iberia has a timelapse map of the Iberian Peninsula, and an associated history.

        6.  Iberia
Scythia/Sarmatia has a timelapse map of the eastern Europe, and an associated history.
        7.  More coming soon!

isn't a clickable button. I do believe it's accurate, because I've been a subscriber for a year or so, and they seem to update more often than once a week. 
Next, I discuss Haplogroup Analytics.
*To get to Results, login to MyTrueAncestry. See a page with their logo (see above) near the upper, left corner, and a row of six tabs across the top:
  1. Results
  2. Civilizations
  3. Populations
  4. Royalty
  5. DNA Testing
  6. FAQ

To get to "Analysis Summary"...

  1. Analysis Summary
  2. Maps
  3. Regional Archaeogenetics
  4. Haplogroup Analytics
  5. DNA Spotlight
  6. Timelines
  7. PCA Plots
  8. Genetic Social Groups
  9. Additional Features 

Blog post by William Mortensen Vaughan

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