Friday, May 20, 2022

MyTrueAncestry: Walkthrough and Review: Part 4: Royalty


MyTrueAncestry's Royalty page is similar to its Populations page; it includes a disclaimer, stating that this "page is for reference only and is not directly related to [my] results," although, two lines above the disclaimer, it tells me to "see how [I] compare with royals!"

Below these remarks are three pull-down menus:
  1. Royal Group
  2. Y Haplogroup
  3. mtDNA Haplogroup
and two tabs:
  1. "by Male DNA"
  2. "by Female DNA"
Previously, when I elected items from the pull-down menus, lists appeared, of Royal groups and dignitaries, and the haplogroups and years associated with them. For example, if I selected Royal Group "All" and "by Female DNA," the first item listed was:

"Grand Princes of Kiev

"Z1a - Roman the Great (1152-1205)"

(Z1a is a mitochondrial haplogroup.)

As of Tuesday, April 5, 2022, when I select Royal Group "All," "by Female DNA," I get a long list of items, starting with the "Imperial House of Japan," dozens of "Clans," and numerous "Houses" and/or royal groups, such as the "Romanovs" and "Spanish Royalty." Some items include sub-lists of associated haplogroups and royal personages who apparently had DNA from those haplogroups.
As of Tuesday, April 5, 2022, when I select my confirmed Y-DNA (R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a), it lists one group with that precise haplogroup:  Clan Abernathy. It also lists one person from that haplogroup:  Orm de Abernethy (1170). The closest person I've discovered to match this person on WikiTree is Orm Hugh d'Abernathy-223 (abt. 1155 - 1185). According to Wikitree, I am a direct descendant of Orm, and he is my twenty-two times great grandfather. However, the lineage WikiTree lists between us includes women. This lineage may still be accurate, however, because, as I've seen with other DNA matches, of closer relatives, autosomal DNA lines can match Y-DNA lines. I assume that there was some hanky panky "upstream" from me, and that I'll never know all of the exact father-to-son lineage between me and Orm, but WikiTree's tracing of the my descent from Orm is probably somewhat accurate. I believe that, either I am a direct, father-to-son descendant of Orm, or he and I share a common, paternal forebear, with direct, father-to-son lineages down to us..
As of Tuesday, April 5, 2022, when I try to select my confirmed mitochondrial DNA (J1c5), the pull-down menu only lists one haplogroup that starts with "J," which is J1c2c. It lists one group associated with this haplogroup, which is "English Royalty." It lists two people in this group:
  1. J1c2c - Edward IV (1442-1483)
  2. J1c2c - Richard III (1452-1485)
Edward IV and Richard III both appear to be my first cousins eighteen times removed, both with forty-four ancestors (or lineages) in common - on my paternal side. On my maternal side, we seem to be related only through marriage.
One "Royal Group" is "Famous People." The last two items listed, based on the query described above, are the following "Famous People," "by Female DNA":
  • "H - Napoleon I (1769-1821)
  • "H3 - Napoleon II (1811-1832)"
If I run a query on "Famous People" "by Male DNA," MyTrueAncestry creates a list of approximately fifty men, with male haplogroups ranging from D's to R's. It associates haplogroup D1b1a2b1a1 with Emperor Higashiyama. I doubt that I am more closely related to him than I am to any other human being. However, I am probably more closely related to the R's, such as the following:
  • George Washington (R1b1a1b1a1a2b1) - off by two mutations
  •   Abraham Lincoln (R1b1a1b1a1a2b1c1b - off by five mutations
meaning we are probably descended from the same paternal lineage from the R's down to R1b1a1b1a1a2, at which point one of my forefathers became an R1b1a1b1a1a2c; and theirs, an R1b1a1b1a1a2b. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's Y-DNA mutated one more time, to R1b1a1b1a1a2b1, and remained the same down to and including George Washington. Lincoln's Y-DNA mutated three more times, adding the additional "c1b."
Next, I discuss DNA Testing!
*To get to Civilizations, login to MyTrueAncestry. See a page with their logo (see above) near the upper, left corner, and a row of six tabs across the top:
  1. Results
  2. Civilizations
  3. Populations
  4. Royalty
  5. DNA Testing
  6. FAQ
Blog post by William Mortensen Vaughan

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