Saturday, May 28, 2022

MyTrueAncestry:Walkthrough and Review: Part 6e: Results: DNA Spotlight

DNA Spotlight
This section has more than forty buttons, most of which are gray. If I select my DNA kit before selecting DNA Spotlights, then click on any of the gray buttons, an illustration appears with a list of ancient people whose DNA has allegedly been compared to mine, with messages which indicate that I am not a match. The top three buttons are light blue, which indicates that they are "new." Coincidentally, I am not a match to any of the remains at any of these sites. However, thirteen of the buttons are pink, indicating that I have DNA matches among the ancient remains found at these sites:
  1. Roman Gladiators
  2. Blarney Castle
  3. Philip Calvert
  4. Ancient Britain
  5. Hanseatic League
  6. Mervingian Nobles
  7. King Louis XVI Mystery
  8. Flóki's Expedition
  9. Bishop Peder Winstrop
  10. Hillforts of Britain
  11. Pocklington Chariot
  12. Dorset Viking Executions
  13. Viking Age England

For examples, the ancient remains of seven Roman gladiators have been recovered at York, on the British Isles. They allegedly lived circa 250 A.D., and I am a DNA match to six of the seven. The one I am not a match to, is, unlike the others, who were Celtic and/or Nordic, was Egyptian.

Next, I'll discuss Timelines.
*To get to Results, login to MyTrueAncestry. See a page with their logo (see above) near the upper, left corner, and a row of six tabs across the top:
  1. Results
  2. Civilizations
  3. Populations
  4. Royalty
  5. DNA Testing
  6. FAQ

To get to "Analysis Summary"...

  1. Analysis Summary
  2. Maps
  3. Regional Archaeogenetics
  4. Haplogroup Analytics
  5. DNA Spotlight
  6. Timelines
  7. PCA Plots
  8. Genetic Social Groups
  9. Additional Features 

Blog post by William Mortensen Vaughan

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